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Jednodijelni kuglični ventili: Kompletan vodič (2024)

Jednodijelni kuglični ventili: Kompletan vodič (2024)

Jednodijelni kuglični ventil sa smanjenim portom

What is One-Piece Ball Valve?

Jednodijelni kuglasti ventil je jednostavan, kompaktni ventil napravljen od jednog komada metala ili plastike. Unutra, there’s a ball with a hole through it that turns to control fluid flow. These valves are popular in residential applications, such as household plumbing systems and they’re cost-effective.

Jednodijelni kuglični ventil sa smanjenim portom
Jednodijelni kuglični ventil sa smanjenim portom

Technical Specifications

Size Range and Pressure Ratings:


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Temperature Ratings:

  • PVC: 32°F to 140°F
  • Brass: -4°F to 366°F
  • Nehrđajući čelik: -20°F to 450°F
  • Carbon čelik: 0°F to 400°F
1 Piece Ball Valve
1 Piece Ball Valve

Materials and Their Applications:

  1. Brass
  • Best for: Voda, air, mild chemicals
  • Trošak: $$
  • Durability: Good
  • Corrosion resistance: Moderate
  1. Nehrđajući čelik
  • Best for: Food, pharmaceuticals, corrosive fluids
  • Trošak: $$$
  • Durability: Excellent
  • Corrosion resistance: Excellent
  1. PVC
  • Best for: Voda, chemicals, low-pressure systems
  • Trošak: $
  • Durability: Fair
  • Corrosion resistance: Excellent

Prijave & Industries

Water Systems:

  • Residential plumbing
  • Municipal water treatment
  • Water filtration

Industrial Uses:

  • Compressed air lines
  • Basic chemical processing
  • Cooling systems
  • Basic process control

Comparison with Two-Piece Ball Valves

One-Piece vs. Two-Piece Ball Valves:

Structure Differences
One-piece ball valves have a single solid body that contains all components. The body is cast or forged as one unit, with the ball, stem, and seats assembled through the end. Two-piece ball valves, on the other hand, split into two parts.

Cost Comparison
One-piece valves are generally 30-40% cheaper than two-piece versions. This price difference comes from simpler manufacturing processes and fewer parts. Međutim, when considering long-term costs, two-piece valves might save money since they can be repaired rather than replaced.

Installation and Handling
One-piece valves are lighter and more compact, making them easier to install in tight spaces. Since there are fewer joints, they’re also less likely to leak. Two-piece valves are slightly bulkier.

Brass 2 Piece Ball Valve F x F
Brass 2 Piece Ball Valve F x F

Selection Guide

How to Choose the Right 1-Piece Ball Valve:

  1. Determine Your Requirements:
  • Pipe size
  • Operating pressure
  • Temperature range
  • Fluid type
  • Flow requirements
  • Space constraints
  1. Consider These Factors:
  • Material compatibility
  • Pressure rating
  • Temperature limits
  • Cost constraints
  • Installation method
  • Local regulations

Installation & Održavanje

Installation Steps:

  1. Clean pipe ends
  2. Apply thread sealant (if threaded)
  3. Align valve with flow direction arrow
  4. Tighten connections properly
  5. Test for leaks

Best Practices:

  1. Don’t over-tighten
  2. Use appropriate tools
  3. Follow torque specifications
  4. Maintain clearance for the handle
  5. Support pipe properly

Factors Affecting Cost:

  1. Material quality
  2. Brand reputation
  3. Certification requirements
  4. Order quantity
  5. Market conditions

Market Trends

Current Developments:

  • Smart valve integration
  • Eco-friendly materials
  • Enhanced durability
  • Better sealing technology
  • Automated monitoring

Future Outlook:

  • Growing demand in residential sector
  • Increased focus on water conservation
  • Rise in smart home applications
  • Stricter quality standards
  • New material technologies


Q: How long do one-piece ball valves last?
A: Typically 5-10 years with normal use.

Q: Can they be repaired?
A: No, they’re designed to be replaced when worn.

Q: What’s the main advantage over other valve types?
A: Simplicity, pouzdanost, and cost-effectiveness.

Q: How often should they be operated?
A: At least once every 3-6 months to prevent sticking.

Q: Can they be used for steam?
A: Not recommendeduse multi-piece valves instead.

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