Suidhich mar chànan bunaiteach
 Deasaich Eadar-theangachadh
100% Direct Factory of waterworks products
Wholesale brass, bronze valves and water plumbing. ODM/OEM available.
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Reliable Partner You Can Trust
Over the past 20 years, BMAG has served customers in over 80 countries, providing comprehensive solutions. Many of our clients have become trusted partners. Helping each other succeed and achieve win-win results.
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Type of Products Manufacturing

Bhalbhaichean Brass

Bhalbhaichean Brass

Bhalbhaichean Umha

Bhalbhaichean Umha

Meatairean uisge

& Accessories

Bogsaichean meatair uisge

& Accessories



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Fios mu Bhalbhaichean BMG

More than 20 bliadhnaichean de eòlas ann an gnìomhachas obair-uisge

Bhalbhaichean BMAG(NINGBO FEARR M&CO., LTD) air a thighinn gu bhith na shiostam seirbheis iomlan airson neach-dèanamh proifeasanta cruinneil de thoraidhean obair-uisge leithid umha, bhalbhaichean umha agus plumaireachd uisge a chuidicheas ar teachdaichean gus brath a ghabhail air ar gnìomhachas a tha a’ sìor leasachadh, baileil, togail, cinneasachadh ola is gas, siostaman dìon teine, iarrtasan mara.

Cò sinn

Ar Lèirsinn

Airson a bhith toilichte iomairt airson ceud bliadhna, gus suaicheantasan nàiseanta a chruthachadh, agus ath-bheothachadh gnìomhachas Shìona.

Misean Corporra

The pursuit of all employees’ material and spiritual well-being, airson gach neach-obrach agus pàrtaidhean co-cheangailte, gus àrd-ùrlar a sholarachadh gus luach a chruthachadh agus cur ris a’ chomann-shòisealta.

Ar Feallsanachd

Ionracas, A' roinneadh, Ùr-ghnàthachadh, Èifeachdas

Ar luachan

Gratitude, Altruism, Sincerity, Study, Roinn, Innovation, WIN-WIN

Our Projects

1.USA BBQ Project

USA BBQ Project

2.Burkina Faso Government Project

Burkina Faso Government Project

3.Sri Lanka Kukurampola Project

Sri Lanka Kukurampola Project

4.Mexico Government Project

Mexico Government Project

5.Saudi Arabia Jeddah City Project

Saudi Arabia Jeddah City Project

6.Italy Valve Project

Italy Valve Project

Our Footprints

Our Footprints 02

Our Certificates

Our Capabilities at Your Service

Bulk & Quick Shipping

Bulk goods are often carried at a low cost by water. If you are in a hurry, we may transport goods to you by air at an additional fee. We can also assist clients in determining the cost of sea freight.

Survey and Design

If the needed product is not in the catalog, BMAG Valves may give design consultation to analyze and produce customized, efficient solutions, including ODM/OEM. We do product research and development and offer open services in response to customer needs.

Smachd Càileachd

To assure quality, we have a comprehensive quality system that includes SGS, ISO certifications, as well as expert QC. BMAG Valves' experience in the disciplines and markets in which it works has resulted in all of the items in the catalog. Its costs are always reasonable, and it guarantees that everything is of top quality.

Business Integrity

With the gold-like reputation, we have witnessed the development of the company with clients for more than 20 years, and the sincere attitude of customers is rooted in our history.

Safety and Durability

BMAG Valves products must be of great quality. This is demonstrated by the certification and marking received throughout time. In a market where lower prices frequently result in lesser quality, we guarantee fair prices and enough supply.

24×7 Support

Contact us 24x7, our sales experts solve all your pre-sales & after-sales problems. Our designers collaborate with the customer to produce the ideal tool for each and every demand.

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Freagraidh sinn a-staigh 12 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leasachan “”.

Cuideachd, faodaidh tu a dhol dhan Duilleag Fios, a bheir seachad foirm nas mionaidiche, ma tha barrachd cheistean agad airson bathar no ma tha thu airson fuasgladh bhalbhaichean fhaighinn air a cho-rèiteachadh.