

After more than 20 annos experientia in waterworks industriam, BMAG Valvulae(NINGBO BESTWAY M&CO., LTD) ratio perfecta opera facta est pro professionalis fabrica globali waterworks producta ut aes, valvae aeneae et aquae plumbi, quae nostris clientibus adiuvant utilitatem nostram industrialem constanter emendando, municipium, constructione, oleum et Gas productionem, ignis praesidio systemata, marine applications.

Nostra products includit Valvulae aereae, Valvula aenea, Aqua Meters, Aqua Metre Boxes, Necessaria, et plus.

Cum 1997, Ningbo Bestway dedicatum est ad producendum bene disposito et probe probato producta, factorum cum primis rudis materia, ut DZR CW602N, CW617N, Liberum aere plumbeum, et C83600 et C84400, et fulciuntur piissimi ac professio coetus operariorum conductorum in waterworks industria. We helped many clients to win the government projects.

Ningbo Bestway obtained an ISO9001:2015 certificate and we are able to design and OEM according to clientsspecial requirements. “BMAG” is our company’s registered trademark. We are insisting to become a global super supplier of the waterworks industry.

Qui sumus

Esse centum annos faustum coeptum, brands creare nationalibus, ac reviviscat Seres industria.

The pursuit of all employeesmaterial and spiritual well-being, nam quisque molestie ac related partes, suggestum ad valorem creare et ad societatem conferre.

Integritas, Socius, Innovation, Efficientia

· Gratitude
Be grateful for life.

· Altruism
The enterprise develops for the social value, the boss seeks the welfare for the employees, the employeesmutual care, good words, and good deeds.

· Sincerity
Integrity is the core value we always adhere to.

· Study
Lifelong Learning, to become a learning enterprise.

· Share
Personal sharing facilitates consultation and positive development outcomes.

· Innovation
Keep Innovation in technology, management, working style and thinking

For clients, society, employees, and stakeholders to create benefits and added value, mutual loyalty and satisfaction.

Factory & Fabricatio

Work-life Balance

Our Global Cooperation

CWM Logo
AWW Logo
NMT Logo

Gradus acquisitionem

Buyers first visit our website and then fill out the form to send us an inquiry. After receiving the buyer’s purchasing details, our sales experts will provide initial feedback or a quote. We will provide samples to the buyer once both sides have confirmed all transaction details. We finalize the final order if the buyer is pleased with the sample.

After the products have been manufactured, they will be sent to the buyer’s country/region.

Adepto Velox Quotes

Respondebimus intus 12 horae, Quaeso operam email cum suffixo "".

Also, potes ire ad Contactus Page, quae accuratiorem formam praebet, si plus quaesitum products aut valvulae solutionem tractabant obtinere vellem.