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Annua Conventus & New Year Party

Annua Conventus & New Year Party-News
Ningbo Bestway Annua et Novus Annus Factio

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Thank you all for this year’s hard work. In 2017, we faced challenges, meet fraud, solved difficult problems, and strived for good quality by keep denying the current models and trying our best to make sure on-time delivery. We stayed up late at night together, we coordinated complicated situations together, and we laughed together. Best of all, we fought side by side together. This is our spirit.

We always aim at being your No. 1 choice in professional brass valves, brass fitting and water meters supplier, when any related need comes into your mind.

On Jan. 27th, 2018, We held this party, where we rewarded those who have extraordinary behavior at work. We prepared singing and dancing events and interactive games.

Wish all crew members of Ningbo Bestway a happy Chinese new year, and safe journey back home.

Annua Conventus & New Year Party-News

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Asiawater 2024 Exhibition in elit

We sincerely invite you to attend BMAG’s Asiawater 2024 exhibition in Malaysia at booth F708. The date of the exhibition is: April 23, 2024 to April 25, 2024.

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Also, potes ire ad Contactus Page, quae accuratiorem formam praebet, si plus quaesitum products aut valvulae solutionem tractabant obtinere vellem.