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Ask us how to read a water meter.
Слика на блог-Месинг водомер на отворено

Are you interested in how much water you are using per day?

Do you know how to read your water meter data?

Just come and have a learn.

Firstly, you need to find the place of your water meter, which might be installed inside your home, between your up and down floors, or outside of your walls, even in your gardens.
Do you need a water meter box to protect your water meter or find your water meter much easier?

Contact Ningbo Bestway through ellen03@bwvalves.com, you will get a solution within 4 часови)

Blog Image-Outdoor plastic water meters

Secondly, open the water meter protection box carefully.

Maybe you need a tool or a key, then visually examine the area around the meter to ensure there are no harmful insects or other animals.

Thirdly, open the water meter lid to read the data directly.

Then write it down or just take a photo.

Repeat the above 3 processes again tomorrow, you will know how much water you are using every day.

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