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Нингбо Бествеј М&Е Ко., Ltd Live Show

Нингбо Бествеј М&Е Ко., Ltd Live Show-News
Honored to invite you to join Ningbo Bestway live show

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We are honored to invite you to join Ningbo Bestway live show. We believe our various kinds of valves will attract you. We have already held a live show about lockable valves successfully. And if you are interested in lockable valves, but miss the show. Please check the replay link . We will have another two live shows. The attachment shows the live time. Please click the link.

Нингбо Бествеј М&Е Ко., Ltd Live Show-News

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Asiawater 2024 Exhibition in Malaysia

We sincerely invite you to attend BMAG’s Asiawater 2024 exhibition in Malaysia at booth F708. The date of the exhibition is: April 23, 2024 to April 25, 2024.

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