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Happy 16th Anniversary 2022

Happy Bestway's 16th ANNIVERSARY.

Muab daim ntawv no qhia txog kev muab tawm rau hauv

Lub Rau Hli Ntuj 8, 2022, is Bestway’s 16th ANNIVERSARY. To celebrate the 16th ANNIVERSARY, we organized an outdoor retreat for all sales department.

The theme of the activity isSIXTEEN ANNIVERSARY, JOURNEY TOGETHEROn this momentous day, Review the growth history of #BMAG #Valves and pass on our joy.


Ntxiv mus tshawb xyuas

Xav tau ib co valves hais txog kev taw qhia?

Thov kev sib tham dawb thiab nqi kwv yees

BMAG Corporate Culture Wall

Tau ib ceev tsocai

Peb yuav teb tsis pub dhau 12 Teev, Thov xyuam xim rau tus email nrog lub suffix "@bwvalves.com".

Kuj, koj yuav mus rau qhov Hu rau Page 10, uas muab ib daim ntawv ntxiv, Yog hais tias koj muaj lus nug ntau rau cov khoom los yog xav tau ib valves tov negotiated.