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BMAG Valves behaalt IAPMO-certificering

BMAG Valves behaalt IAPMO-certificering

BMAG Valves behaalt IAPMO-certificering

Wat is IAPMO-certificering?

IAPMO (Internationale Vereniging van Loodgieters en Mechanische Ambtenaren), gevestigd in 1926, is een belangrijk lid van de International Plumbing Council. The UPC standards issued by IAPMO continue to gain wider recognition and application internationally. Their certification represents a mark of quality and compliance in the plumbing industry.


What Certifications are Offered by IAPMO

IAPMO offers certification programs including:

  • UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code)
  • UMC (Uniform Mechanical Code)
  • USPC (Uniform Swimming Pool Code)
  • USEC
  • M/C Certification

Additionally, IAPMO provides:

For Water Systems Certification, IAPMO conducts testing in strict accordance with NSF/ANSI and WQA standards.

If you have obtained NSF certification from IAPMO, the certificate will state: Your product meets NSF/ANSI Standard 61. This certificate will also be recognized by many countries.

IAPMO Certification BMAG Valves
IAPMO Certification BMAG Valves

BMAG Valves with IAPMO Certification

BMAG Valves has successfully obtained IAPMO certification for various valve products:

Brass Swing Check Valves with IAPMO Certification

Modelnummer Beschrijving
BW-LFC01-038 3/8″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-050 1/2″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-075 3/4″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-100 1″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-125 1 1/4″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-150 1 1/2″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-200 2″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-250 2 1/2″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-300 3″ brass swing check valve
BW-LFC01-400 4″ brass swing check valve

Brass Spring Check Valves with IAPMO Certification

Modelnummer Beschrijving
BW-LFC03-038 3/8″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-050 1/2″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-075 3/4″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-100 1″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-125 1 1/4″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-150 1 1/2″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-200 2 brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-250 2 1/2″brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-300 3″ brass spring check valve
BW-LFC03-400 4″ brass spring check valve

Messing schuifafsluiters with IAPMO Certification

Modelnummer Beschrijving
BW-LFG01-025 1/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-038 3/8″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-050 1/2 ” brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-075 3/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-100 1″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-125 1 1/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-150 1 12″ brass gate valve
BWLFG01-200 2″brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-250 2 1/2″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-300 3″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG01-400 4″ brass gate valve
BW-FGO4-025 1/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-038 3/8″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-050 1/2″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-075 3/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-100 1″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-125 1 1/4″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-150 1 1/2″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-200 2″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-250 2 1/2″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-300 3″ brass gate valve
BW-LFG04-400 4″ brass gate valve

Hose Bibcocks with IAPMO Certification

Modelnummer Beschrijving
BW-LFZ01-050 1/2″ hose bibcock
BW-LFZ01-075 3/4″ hose bibcock
BW-LFZ42-050 1/2″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ42-075 3/4″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ47-050 1/2″FIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ47-075 3/4″FIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ56-050 1/2″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BWLFZ56-075 3/4″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ57-050 1/2″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ57-075 3/4″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ52-050 1/2″FIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ52-075 3/4″FIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ53-050 1/2″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ53-075 3/4″MIP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ54-050 1/2″COMP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ54-075 3/4″COMP x 3/4MHT hose bibcock
BW-LFZ55-050 1/2″SWEAT x 3/4MHT hose bibcock

Brass Vacuum Breakers with IAPMO Certification

Modelnummer Beschrijving
BW-LFZ41-075 3/4″ brass vacuum breaker

How to Verify IAPMO Certification

To verify an IAPMO certification, you can use the file number listed on the certificate.
Visit the official IAPMO website: and enter File No. to confirm its authenticity.

How To Verify IAPMO Certification
How To Verify IAPMO Certification

Global Recognition of IAPMO Certification

IAPMO certification holds significance in the North American market, and its influence continues. Countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Zuid-Amerika, and parts of Africa are increasingly accepting IAPMO certification standards.


BMAG’s valve products have obtained IAPMO certification, demonstrating BMAG’s strong manufacturing capabilities and excellent product quality. BMAG is a trusted valve supplier. Contact us.

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