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BMAG Meter EXPO CAMACOL 2024 COPERȚA expoziției Columbia 850 566

EXPO CAMACOL stands as a premier exhibition in Colombia’s construction and building materials industry. De la lansarea sa în 1990, it has consistently drawn professionals and businesses from around the globe each year. This exhibition serves as a vital platform for the construction sector to unveil new products, exchange innovative ideas, and forge business relationships. As the industry evolves, EXPO CAMACOL has also adapted, becoming an essential driver of advancement in the construction field.

In 2024, the focus of EXPO CAMACOL will be on sustainable building practices, smart building technologies, and the integration of new building materials. The event will gather industry leaders, experts, and innovators to discuss emerging trends and challenges in construction. Attendees will have the chance to gain insights into the latest market developments and valuable industry knowledge.

BMAG Meter EXPO CAMACOL 2024 Columbia ExhibitionMAP

BMAG Valves will be showcasing our water meters şi valves products at the exhibition, located in PABELLON ROJO, booth number 31. Colombia represents a key market for us, and we aim to utilize this exhibition to foster meaningful conversations with clients from South America, pursue collaboration, and achieve mutual success. We warmly invite you to visit our booth to discuss potential partnerships and explore the future of the construction industry together. We look forward to seeing you at EXPO CAMACOL 2024!

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