BMAG na 136. kantonskom veľtrhu – plodná výstava

BMAG na 136. kantonskom veľtrhu – plodná výstava

V Guangzhou sa úspešne konal 136. kantonský veľtrh, a Bmag zažil plodnú výstavu.

Pred začatím výstavy Canton Fair, We sent invitations to the event to our long-standing clients, and it was heartwarming to reunite with old friends and partners we have collaborated with for many years. These encounters filled us with nostalgia and gratitude.

During the fair, Bmag welcomed over 100 new friends and potential clients. Many expressed a strong interest in our water meters and valves, leading to numerous inquiries about our products. Our dedicated sales team provided professional insights and enthusiastic responses, earning widespread praise from attendees.

We had the opportunity to engage with clients from Europe, the Middle East, and South America, who posed specific questions about water meters and valves tailored to their local markets. This interaction allowed us to share our expertise and deepened our understanding of these diverse markets.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our clients and friends for their ongoing support of Bmag over the past 20 rokov. Together, we have grown and achieved mutual success, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you.

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>> Ďalšie príspevky

Odolné proti odzinku (RDA) Mosadzný kryt

Čo sú mosadzné ventily DZR?

Mosadz odolná proti odzinku (DZR mosadz) sa stal dôležitým materiálom v inštalatérskom priemysle, najmä pre ventilové aplikácie. Počet používateľov, ktorí si vybrali mosadzné ventily DZR

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